“Do you accept insurance?”

More Life Wellness, LLC uses a third-party insurance processor called Alma to manage billing and admin work. Alma manages everything related to payments and insurance to make things as easy as possible for you. Acceptance and rates vary based on the individual’s plan and deductible.

Before using your insurance, here are some questions that can help you:

When speaking with your insurance company, you will want to ask them the following questions: 

  • Do my benefits cover online counseling? 

  • Do you need any kind of special referral (i.e., from a primary care doctor or your University Counseling Center) before I can be reimbursed?

  • What are my "out-of-network" outpatient mental health benefits? How much of each therapy session will your insurance provider reimburse (this is typically a percentage)?

  • Are there any limitations to services (e.g., only a certain amount of money allowed for mental health reimbursements, a limited number of sessions, reimbursement only for certain types of diagnoses, etc.)?

  • Must I meet a deductible (the amount of money you have to pay before your insurance company will start to reimburse you) before my benefits will begin paying for out of network providers? Have you already paid any of this deductible?

  • Where do I need to mail or email my receipt? 

  • How long will it take to get reimbursed after I mail my receipt? 

In many cases, More Life Wellness, LLC is still considered an “Out-of-network” Provider. Many individuals who have health insurance elect not to use it for coverage of mental health services, and instead pay for therapy as an "out of pocket" expense, or use their flexible or health savings account.  Most often, this is due to concerns about the privacy of their health information, and the potential release of this information to health insurance companies and their affiliated entities. Here is more information about working with a provider who is out of network and how it can benefit you: Click here.

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